Phone: 00351-917107147 | 00351-281541733
Address: Quinta da Fornalha | 8950-186 Castro Marim | Algarve | Portugal
If you come by car, follow the A22 towards Spain, exit in Altura/Monte Gordo. When you arrive to a roundabout turn left towards Vila Real de St. Antonio. Then turn left towards Castro Marim, in the Praia Verde crossing. After you pass over a train line turn left in the crossing to Rio Seco and you are here. So easy!
If you come by train it’s even easier! Exist in the station of Castro Marim and we are 500m far from it.
If you come by plain you may arrive to Faro or Seville and rent a car or we can send a transfer!
Quinta da Fornalha is located in farming fields, but it is not isolated. It is 1km away from the small village of S. Bartolomeu do Sul and 4km far from Castro Marim
If you prefer the beach, 2km away there is shore line of Praia Verde and Cabeço beach.
If you prefer to visit small towns, you’ll have Castro Marim 4km away and Vila Real de St. Antonio 8km away. There you’ll find everything you may need: pharmacies, banks, supermarket, post mail, tourism post, etc.
Coordinates: N 37º11.921′ W 007º28.996